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Products Overview

Our products reach from detection platforms as OEM products over the detection of specific microorganisms to qPCR kits for quantifying microorganisms.

MultiFlow® Test-kits (OEM)

Test-kits of the MultiFlow® series reduce the workload for assay developers of qualitative or quantitative rapid tests. For each test-line (analyte) only two analyte-specific detectors (antigens, antibodies, specific oligos etc.) have to be conjugated with different labels.

The universal test-kits are ready-to-use and contain 3mm wide lateral-flow dipsticks (LFD) with an integrated assay control and the necessary assay buffer.

They replace the formerly available DetectLine test-kits.

easyFlow® Test-kits

These innovative test-kits can detect viable microorganisms within 60 minutes from a standard culture. This allows an earlier product release in microbial quality control (ISO 18415: “non-specified microorganisms”).

More about the technical background and the application in microbial quality control may be found here.

easyLAMP© Test-kits

These innovative test-kits use a method for the isothermal amplification to verify with high sensitivity if a contamination is caused by a certain microorganism (ISO 18415: “specified microorganisms”).

More about the technical background and the application in microbial quality control may be found here.