Technical Background: easyFlow® Test-kits

The innovative test-kits from the AMODIA easyFlow® series are able to detect viable microorganisms. Their comfortable and easy-to use handling - the test procedure itself needs only approx. 60 minutes - makes them suitable for hygiene control and microbial quality control. This is achieved by combining the sensitive and highly specific hybridization of nucleic acids with robust and easy-to-use lateral-flow dipsticks.

The test-kits require an enrichment culture to let the microorganisms grow. If this enrichment culture was prepared together with e.g. industrial products, then it is possible to quickly determine, if the product was contaminated with microorganisms.

The viable microorganisms are detected by hybridizing their ribosomal RNA with specific and labeled probes. The so-formed complex allows the stable detection on lateral-flow dipsticks with the naked eye.

Starting with a common enrichment culture the result is ready within 60 min !

Scheme easyFlow® Bacteria


See the video: Demonstrating the AMODIA easyFlow® Test-kits

Choose from different tests:


Testing for groups of microorganisms (ISO 18415: “non-specified microorganisms”):

or for specific microorganisms (ISO 18415: “specified microorganisms”):


Take advantage of the easyFlow® kits and speed up your microbial quality control!





Our easyFlow® test-kits use a method for the direct DNA-RNA hybridisation combined with a robust detection on a lateral-flow strip. Their intended use is in microbial quality control, where they detect if the concentration of certain groups of microorganisms are above or below a threshold.

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