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Biogas Fermenter

Microorganisms are essential for biogas production: Some digest the substrate ingredients, others generate Methane.

With our analysis of the microbiology of the fermenter it is possible to optimize the microbial composition and thus enhance performance and robustness of biogas production.

Molecular Characterisation of Biogas Fermenters

This service offers a screening analysis of Methanogens including their Shannon index and DNA concentration.

Detailed Molecular Characterisation of Biogas Fermenters

Full Molecular Characterisation of Biogas Fermenters

This service extends the detailed molecular characterisation with the so-called “ASG-Syntrophics”. These special bacteria are key players for the hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis.

Absolute Quantification of Syntrophic and Methanogenic Microorganisms

Measuring the DNA concentration for two groups of microorganisms, which play a major role in methane formation: the group of so-called “ASG-Syntrophics” and the methanogenic microorganisms. These markers indicate a malfunction before other indicators even give a hint.