Technical Background: easyLAMP© Test-kits

The innovative test-kits from the AMODIA easyLAMP© series are able to detect microbial DNA within approx. 60 minutes. They were developed for industrial microbiological quality control in order to exclude the presence of specified microorganisms in a positive sample.

The easyLAMP© test-kits combine a sensitive and highly specific method for the isothermal amplification of nucleic acids (LAMP: loop-mediated amplification) with a detection on robust and easy-to-use lateral-flow dipsticks. Therefore the amplification products are labeled with probe molecules during the amplification. These probe molecules bind as well to the gold particles on the lateral-flow dipstick as to capture molecules on the test lines. During strip development the gold particles get concentrated on the test lines and form a line visible to the naked eye.

Ablaufschema easyLAMP© Testkits


At the moment the following test-kits are available:


If you think that we should extend the list, please get in contact.