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Molecular Characterisation of Biogas Fermenters

This service offers a screening analysis of Methanogens including their Shannon index and DNA concentration.

In order to control biogas plants usually physicochemical analysis is performed. But the chemical processes in a biogas fermenter are performed by a variety of different microorganisms.

In a research project (FNR: 22005812) we were able to demonstrate that fermenters of biogas plants may be classified according to the composition of methanogenic bacteria (archaea). This classification of biogas fermenters can be correlated with physicochemical parameters, but goes way beyond.

The composition of methanogenic archaea changes even before this shows up in physicochemical analysis. An unintended shift of i.e. the hydrogenotrophic towards the acetoclastic methanogenesis may have a major impact on methane output.

With a classification of your biogas fermenter you and/or your consultant is better prepared on how to react correctly to inhibitions in methane production.

Important: This analysis should be coordinated with the consultant of your biogas plant. It is not intended as a replacement of periodic physicochemical analysis!

  • Art-No.
    • P-001
  •  Service
    • Molecular Characterisation of Biogas Fermenters
      • Services performed:
        • Identification of methanogenic Microorganisms
        • Shannon Index of methanogenic Microorganisms
        • Absolute quantification of methanogenic Microorganisms
        • Classification of the biogas fermenter


For ordering: Please get in contact or use our order sheet.