
The project is structured in six sub-projects, which are performed and lead by the developing SME or the researching university of applied science respectively:

Sub-project 1 (FH Westküste, TH Wildau, I.T.A. UG)
Specification, Basic Validation and Testing
Sub-project 2 (AMODIA Bioservice GmbH, TH Wildau)
Development of Rapid-Tests
Sub-project 3 (BIOMES NGS GmbH)
Development of Bioinformatic Tools for Biome Analysis
Sub-project 4 (I.T.A. UG)
In-situ Analysis Methods (I.T.A. UG)
Sub-project 5 (Z&H Wassertechnik)
Sustainable Methods for Prevention of Microbial Corrosion
Sub-project 6 (TH Wildau)
Analysis and Use of Bacteriophages